Aoki Super sells it?
By the way, I will talk about big bird.
Big bird...Elmo's friend?
No. Do you know Giant Moa?

The Moa has become extinct before
1500. It is very big bird, like dinasaur.
It was 3m or more long. 3m!? !?
Is it bird!? It is really giant!
It is real. Not imaginary.
Let's look and see. This is Moa's egg.
Please compare Moa's egg with
hen's egg. There is no comparison
between the two.
Why such a big bird bacame extinct?
An explicit answer was given.
Indiscrimeinate hunting by human
kind:( This way, Attack to foot or
made Moa to eat burned stone.
That's primitive. But Moa had
very small brain.
However, now, There is theory
of existence of Moa!
Woohoo! That's interesting!
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